Project Summary

MeDInno project focuses on the ruminant farming and agri-food micro & small enterprises, through the development of innovative processes and products based in local dairy and meat tradition of the Programme area, in order to decrease the rural unemployment and poverty. Thanks to MeDInno project, new cheese and meat products will be developed through the knowledge transfer and the quality standardization and the promotion under an integrated brand strategy. The project will also implement two day trips for 5 top chefs to get familiar with the new products in combination with workshops for local chefs (one in Epirus and one in Puglia Region), five special presentation events in Foggia, Barletta, Bari, Lecce and Taranto and a series of local training seminars and workshops targeting at local stakeholders and farmers in the two regions.
Budget € 841.517,40,00
Time From 30/03/2018 To 30/06/2022
Priority Axis Innovation & competitiveness

Project Partners

Lead Beneficiary

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