Interreg Greece-Italy Programme 2021-2027 has been approved

It’s official. The European Commission has approved the 2021-2027 Interreg Greece-Italy programme.

Discover here the final version and enjoy reading!

We are proud to announce that on 8th September 2022 the European Commission adopted the Interreg VI-A Greece-Italy Programme for the period 2021-2027 with the Final Decision n. 6578.


With a budget of EUR 106 million euro, the programme will continue to fund joint projects between Italian and Greek entities, focusing on green and digital growth and exploiting the opportunities of the blue economy.

The total budget is co-funded by European Regional Development Fund (E.R.D.F.) for 75% (79.582.928,00 ) and 25% of National Funds of Greece and Italy. 


The Programme Area has been enlarged with the addition of 2 new Italian regions, namely Basilicata and Calabria Regions, covering 11 regional units from Greece and 11 provinces from Italy with a territory of 59.950,83 km2 and a total population of 7,1 million inhabitants. 

More specifically, it embraces: 

3 Greek Regions

  • The Region of Western Greece: Aitoloakarnania, Achaia, Ileia; 
  • The Region of Ionian Islands: Zakynthos, Kerkyra, Kefalonia, Lefkada;
  • The Region of Epirus: Arta, Thesprotia, Ioannina, Preveza; 

3 Italian Regions

  • The Region of Puglia: Provinces of Foggia, Bari, Brindisi, Lecce, Barletta-Andria-Trani (BAT) and Taranto; 
  • The newly added Region of Basilicata: Province of Matera
  • The newly added Region of Calabria: Provinces of Catanzaro, Cosenza, Crotone and Reggio Calabria. 


The Interreg VI-A Greece-Italy 2021-2027 strategy was designed on the basis of European Cooperation objectives and requirements and on the basis of public consultations and analyses of needs, opportunities, challenges, strengths and weaknesses in the programme area. 

Thus, 4 priorities were defined under which the cooperation programme will support cross-border projects:

  • Priority 1 Enhanced cooperation for a more competitive and smarter Greece-Italy area 
  • Priority 2 Enhanced cooperation for a greener and low carbon Greece-Italy area 
  • Priority 3 Enhanced cooperation for a more social and inclusive Greece-Italy area 
  • Priority 4 Enhanced governance for cooperation in the Greece-Italy area 

New projects and challenges: Greece-Italy is ready to engage on environment, climate warming, innovation, inclusion training and youth.

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Strategic Environmental Assessment of Interreg VI-A Greece-Italy Programme

The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is an ex ante evaluation of the environmental effects of the Cooperation Programme INTERREG VI-A Greece – Italy 2021-2027. 

The present report is the forth deliverable of the SEA and the final statement-report according to the contract signed by the Managing Authority and the Contractor. This deliverable consists of an analytical report, defining all the provided services to the Managing Authority throughout the SEA assessment process from the submission of the SEA until the approval of the Programme by the European Commission. 

Public consultation on the Strategic Environmental Assessment: deadline 23 April 2022

The previous deadline of 2 April has been postponed to 23 April. Read the updated news.

In the context of the drafting of the new Programme for the programming period 2021-2027, the Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes is in the phase of final comments and approval of the INTERREG VI-A Programme Greece-Italy 2021-2027.

Part of this process is the elaboration of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).

In order the approval process to be completed, a public consultation round has opened, in which any interested party may express their views in writing or electronically along with sufficient documentation to the Environmental Licensing Department of the Ministry of Environment and Energy (11 Alexandras Ave., 11473 Athens), e-mail:, within a period of thirty (30) days from the posting on the website of the Greece-Italy Program 2014-2020 (03/03/2022) and specifically until the 2nd of April 2022.

News from 2021-2027: the small project fund

During the 6th Programming Committee, held in Athens on 21st of October, the new Small project Fund (SPF) was presented. This definition appeared for the first time in the CPR for the 2021 -2027 programming period.

Small project Fund is an operation in an Interreg programme aimed at the selection and implementation of projects, including people-to-people actions, of limited financial volume.

The total contribution from the ERDF to small project funds within an Interreg programme shall not exceed 20% of the total allocation of the Interreg programme.

You can find more information in the following documents.



Greece-Italy 2021-2027: first draft of the new Programme

The Managing Authority of the Interreg V-A Cooperation Program Greece-Italy 2014-2020 in the context of the writing of the new Cooperation Program for the Programming Period 2021-2027 and with the aim of further developing the partnership conducted 3 phases of public consultation as follows:

  • the 1st phase of the Public Consultation was carried out with the aim of highlighting the needs and challenges of the intervention area, gathering information not only on the strengths and weaknesses, but also the opportunities and threats presented in it. In addition, the contribution of the bodies was obtained through their experience from the design, but also the implementation of the current Interreg V-A European Cooperation Program “Greece – Italy 2014-2020”.
  • the 2nd phase of the Public Consultation focused on prioritizing the Specific Objectives of the Program Strategy to meet the needs of the cross-border area, submitting proposals for relevant actions through which these Objectives will be met, linking the specific objectives with the rest selected Policy Objectives, as well as in the selection of objectives and their interconnection with the identified Policy Objectives in the context of the Marine Dimension of the Program.
  • the 3rd phase of Public Consultation was conducted at executive level, during the period from 1 to 13 July 2021. More specifically, the contribution of the bodies was requested, through written interviews regarding:
  1. the promotion of synergies and/or complementary actions of the new Interreg VI-A Program Greece-Italy 2021-2027, with the other Programs implemented in the cross-border cooperation area,
  2. the areas of Blue Growth in which the new Program should focus
  3. the proposals regarding the Strategy of the new Program.

The Programming Committee of the Interreg VI-A Cooperation Program “Greece- Italy 2021-2027 based on the results of the above consultations and within the framework of its responsibilities, formulated the present Programme which was sent informally to the relevant bodies of the EU.