Project Summary

SunWater project aims to improve the efficiency and the sustainability of Water Distribution Networks in urban touristic areas as a strategic asset to sustainable growth in the Programme area. The valorization of the natural resources includes activities related to protection from pollution in the water supply chain. In order to do that the partners are targeting and enhancing the assessment of current leakages and water quality, using innovative strategies and tools.

Lead Beneficiary of the project is the Municipal Water Supply and Sewerage Company of Igoumenitsa. The other beneficiaries are the Municipal Water Supply and Sewerage Company of Zakynthos, the Polytechnic University of Bari-Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture and Acquedotto Pugliese S.p.A. Two Associated Partners complete this important partnership: the Hellenic Association of Municipal Enterprises for Water Supply and Sewerage and the institution of Utilitalia.

Budget € 873.000,00
Time From 16/04/2018 To 15/04/2020
Priority Axis Integrated Environmental Management

Project Partners

Lead Beneficiary

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