The Managing Authority of Interreg Greece-Italy Programme opens a public consultation on the future cooperation between Greece and Italy for the next 2021-2027 Programming period.
All partners of the funded projects and all interested representatives of national, regional and local authorities, their agencies, socio-economic partners, non-profit organisations, universities and many other stakeholders are invited to fill in the on line survey.
We invite you to fill in the questionnaire until Friday 29, January, 2020 at this link.
We invite anyone who feels like they have a say about the Greece-Italy future to take the survey. In particular:
a. National, regional and local public authorities,
b. Business support organisations, including chambers of commerce, networks and clusters,
c. Higher education and research institutions,
d. Interest group including NGOs and citizen´s associations,
e. National, regional or local development agencies,
f. Other public organisations
g. School/education and training centres
h. Sectoral agencies
i. Social organizations
Your answers will provide us with valuable insights and will help us define our priorities, types of projects, objectives and results to be achieved by 2027.
The questionnaire includes the following sections:
- General/Background Information
- Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Cooperation Programme, 2014-2020, including questions in relation to the current programme
- Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Cooperation Programme, 2021-2027, including questions in relation to the new programming period in order to gain insights and orientations
- The questionnaire also includes questions regarding the EUSAIR macroregional strategy both in relation to the current period and future one as well as the Maritime cooperation dimension that it is vital for the Cross Border Area and the formulation of the new Programme.