Greece-Italy 2021-2027: 2nd Round of Public Consultations

The second consultation phase focuses on the identification of the main Specific Objectives of the 2021-2027 Greece-Italy Programme is now open.

We invite the targeted and specific actors, who have already received the survey link by e-mail, to submit their views with regards to:
1.     The main Specific Objectives under each of the identified Policy Objective (PO) that in your opinion should be addressed in the future Programme, as well as possible interlinks to the other identified Policy Objectives
2.     The areas whereby maritime dimension can offer a great potential regarding each identified PO, as well as possible interlinks to the other POs.
3.     Interlinks between the identified POs and the EUSAIR flagship priorities, as well as interlinks between areas of maritime cooperation and EUSAIR pillar priorities.