Project Summary

Aim of the project is to support the development of sustainable tourism through tools that help visitors and locals alike to improve their experience of the natural and cultural heritage of Greece and Italy.

P.A.T.H. foresees the creation of thematic routes in both Greece and Italy, which will offer visitors the chance to discover wetland routes, mountain trails, historical cultural trails and paths of unique natural beauty and biodiversity.

The designation of the above routes will be enhanced by the development of an integrated multimedia web-based map platform that will allow end users to plan their visit according to their needs, to access never before published information on routes (through storytelling associated with the points of interest), as well as to record their personal experience. The project also envisages targeted actions to mobilize and involve local communities in the development of routes, and to inform stakeholders (local authorities, environmental associations, tourism enterprises) on the use and valorisation of the new tourism tool that will be developed.

The Regional Union of Municipalities of Western Greece is the lead beneficiary of this project in cooperation with one Greek partner, the Region of Western Greece and three Italian partners, the Construction Technologies Institute – National Research Council of Italy, the Management Body of the Regional Natural Reserves of Taranto and the Alta Murgia National Park.
Budget € 863.947,63
Time From 31/05/2018 To 31/03/2021
Priority Axis Integrated Environmental Management

Project Partners

Lead Beneficiary

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