On 12-14 February 2020 ITC-CNR has started the survey with a drone, 360° camera and 360° video camera near the points of interest of the following paths, in the Alta Murgia National Park
- Il picco murgiano “Stagno temporaneo”
- Lama Genzana “Jazzo Sei Carri”
- La piana di San Magno “Chiesetta-neviera”
- Bosco di Scoparello “Quercia e Jazzo del Demonio”
- Il piano d’Annaia “Jazzo La Pisticchia”
La scarpata murgiana “Masseria Sacromonte”
The data will be processed to produce aerial photos, virtual tours and 360° videos to be included in the developing interactive multimedia maps, in order to allow users to plan aware their trips.
P.A.T.H. project, aims to create new thematic routes in Western Greece and Puglia, which will offer visitors the opportunity to discover places of natural beauty, wetlands, areas rich in biodiversity and historical-cultural points of interest on coasts, uplands and mountains. ITC-CNR is one of the Italian partners of the project, together with the Management Body of the Regional Natural Reserves of Taranto and the Alta Murgia National Park, working synergistically with the Regional Union of Municipalities of Western Greece (Project Leader) and the Region of Western Greece.