Public consultation on the Strategic Environmental Assessment: deadline 23 April 2022

The previous deadline of 2 April has been postponed to 23 April. Read the updated news.

In the context of the drafting of the new Programme for the programming period 2021-2027, the Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes is in the phase of final comments and approval of the INTERREG VI-A Programme Greece-Italy 2021-2027.

Part of this process is the elaboration of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).

In order the approval process to be completed, a public consultation round has opened, in which any interested party may express their views in writing or electronically along with sufficient documentation to the Environmental Licensing Department of the Ministry of Environment and Energy (11 Alexandras Ave., 11473 Athens), e-mail:, within a period of thirty (30) days from the posting on the website of the Greece-Italy Program 2014-2020 (03/03/2022) and specifically until the 2nd of April 2022.