AETHER “Alliance for the Effective Transnational Handling of Environmental Resources.“ The AETHER Project is funded by the Interreg V-A Italy-Greece 2014/2020 programme. Its primary objective is to promote cross-border actions aimed at both protecting and promoting the sustainable use of marine, coastal, and continental resources in the Adriatic-Ionian area. AETHER RESULTS Joint governance and management
Category: News First call
Aether: Risultati per le misure di protezione dell’ecosistema
AETHER “Alliance for the Effective Transnational Handling of Environmental Resources.“ Il Progetto AETHER, finanziato dal programma Interreg V-A Grecia-Italia 2014/2020, promuove azioni transfrontaliere volte a tutelare e promuovere l’uso sostenibile delle risorse marine, costiere e continentali nella Regione Adriatico Ionica (EUSAIR). I RISULTATI DI AETHER Governance e gestione congiunta di Piani che integrano misure di
COOfHea project: a study for efficient therapies against the Covid-19
How do people react to Covid-19 infection? The CoofHea project has produced a research in cooperation with the University of Bari Aldo Moro with the aim of identify some molecular mechanisms that can be exploited for the development of innovative and more efficient therapies against the Covid-19 or other viral infections. Puglia Region entrusted this
Interreg SWAN in Nardó (Italy): Grand Opening of Water Aerodrome and Terminal WATER
The Mayor of the Municipality of Nardò, Pippi Mellone, tomorrow, the 22nd of July 2022 at 19:30 p.m., will inaugurate the Water Aerodrome and Terminal of Santa Maria al Bagno, that has been built on the “La Marmora” seafront as the “heart” of the SWAN project (Enhancing regional transportation through sustainable water aerodrome network), a
Interreg Apollo Lands in Trepuzzi (Italy) for the promotion of banda culture
The Municipality of Trepuzzi, already engaged for years in good artistic, cultural and political practices on the preservation and promotion of the band world, will host four days, from 12 to 15 July, dedicated to band culture and training, thanks to the project Apollo Lands – “Network for Traditions and Heritage in Music”. The work
Interreg CoofHea project: the reply of cooperation to Covid-19 pandemic
In 2020, the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic led all institutions in the world to take up special and extraordinary measures to counter the catastrophic effects. The Interreg Greece-Italy programme decided to make its contribution through the CoofHea – Cooperation for Health, whose goal was to support 9 Hospitals in Greece and in Puglia Italy,
Interreg Creative@hubs: 2 workshops regarding the Cultural Tourism, in Aetoloakarnania Greece.
The Chamber of Aetoloakarnania organized 2 more training workshops: “AI-SYMIOS-The Intangible Cultural Heritage as a Factor of Sustainable Cultural Tourism” & “DIEXODOS – Tool for the Promotion and Development of Cultural Tourism of the Municipality of the Sacred Town of Messolonghi”, within Creative@Hubs project. During the first seminar, held in the Sacred City of Mesolonghi on June
CREATIVE@HUBS in Puglia: public call to select 10 scholarships in agri-food markets
The University of Foggia, Department of Agricultural Sciences, Food, Natural Resources and Engineering, partner of Creative@hubs project launches a public call to select 10 scholarships for 5 months research activities in agri-food markets with a total remuneration of € 7,500.00. The deadline for the submission is July 04, 2022. The selection will be based on
Interreg Creative@hubs in Greece: training workshps in Patras for creative and cultural industries
The 1st seminar, held on April 18, with 16 participants from the creative sector, entitled “Culture, creativity, entrepreneurship”. The 3 key-note speakers, Mr. Andreas Tsiliras, Mr. George Sarlis (cultural managers) and Mr. Filippos Kefalopoulos (marketing consultant) analyzed the terms entrepreneurship, creativity and culture and discussed with the attendees about their own business actions and thoughts.
Creative@hubs in Greece: 2 workshop of mural-street art & photography
The Chamber of Aetoloakarnania organized 2 training workshops: “The Art of Mural-Street Art” & “Studio Photography Seminar – Composition, Direction, Lighting”, within Creative@Hubs project. During the first seminar, that was held in Mesolonghi on May 23rd, the key-note speaker, Mr. Dimitris Kretsis (art-painter) introduced to the 57 attended people the spirit of this art, stressing that in