The first meeting of the Monitoring Committee (MC) of the Interreg Greece-Italy 2021-2027 Programme was held in Greece (Patras) on 28 March 2023. The MC is the decision-making body of the Programme, chaired by Mr. Georgios Zervos, Special Secretary for ERDF and Cohesion Fund for the Greek Ministry of Development and Investments, and is composed
Category: News 2021-2027
Capitalisation Workshop in Bari: on line the project presentations
More than 150 participants, in person and online, took part in the capitalisation workshop, organised by the Interreg Greece-Italy Programme at Fiera del Levante on 19 October 2022.A workshop full of inspired ideas to learn about the meaning of capitalisation that is a building process aimed at consolidating the capital built by the Interreg funded
Interreg Best: free training course in Puglia on environmental protection and biodiversity
The training course organized by Puglia Region within the project BEST “Addressing joint Agro- and Aqua-Biodiversity pressures Enhancing SuSTainable Rural Development” will start on 20 September. The training course aims to improve the knowledge and the skills of participants on issues related to biodiversity, environmental protection and interventions specifically requested by Interreg BEST project. Participation
Interreg Greece-Italy 2021-2027 programme has been approved
It’s official. The European Commission has approved the 2021-2027 Interreg Greece-Italy programme. Discover here the final version and enjoy reading! We are proud to announce that on 8th September 2022 the European Commission adopted the Interreg VI-A Greece-Italy Programme for the period 2021-2027 with the Final Decision n. 6578. BUDGET With a budget of EUR 106 million euro,
Greece-Italy 2021-2027: Public Consultation on the Strategic Environmental Assessment – deadline 23 April 2022
The Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes as the Planning Authority in the context of the drafting of the Cooperation Programme Interreg VI-A Greece-Italy 2021-2027 and in accordance to what is mentioned in the Common Ministerial Decision with protocol number ΥΠΕΧΩΔΕ / ΕΥΠΕ / οικ.107017 / 2006 (ΒΔ 1225), as amended, has prepared an
Public consultation on the Strategic Environmental Assessment: deadline 23 April 2022
The previous deadline of 2 April has been postponed to 23 April. Read the updated news. In the context of the drafting of the new Programme for the programming period 2021-2027, the Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes is in the phase of final comments and approval of the INTERREG VI-A Programme Greece-Italy 2021-2027.
Greece-Italy 2021-2027: first draft of the new Programme
The Managing Authority of the Interreg V-A Cooperation Program Greece-Italy 2014-2020 in the context of the writing of the new Cooperation Program for the Programming Period 2021-2027 and with the aim of further developing the partnership conducted 3 phases of public consultation as follows: The Programming Committee of the Interreg VI-A Cooperation Program “Greece- Italy
News from 2021-2027: the small project fund
During the 6th Programming Committee, held in Athens on 21st of October, the new Small project Fund (SPF) was presented. This definition appeared for the first time in the CPR for the 2021 -2027 programming period. Small project Fund is an operation in an Interreg programme aimed at the selection and implementation of projects, including
2021-2027: available the Adrion orientation paper
It is available the Adrion orientation paper, a document that sets out the key characteristics of the Adriatic-Ionian area and outlines options and orientations for the programming of future Interreg cross-border interventions in the area. The paper should be considered alongside the Adrion orientation paper that has been produced by DG Regional and Urban Policy
Greece-Italy 2021-2027: 2nd Round of Public Consultations
The second consultation phase focuses on the identification of the main Specific Objectives of the 2021-2027 Greece-Italy Programme is now open. We invite the targeted and specific actors, who have already received the survey link by e-mail, to submit their views with regards to:1. The main Specific Objectives under each of the identified Policy