The development of Creative Hubs is starting to become a reality in 8 areas of Greece-Italy!
In the context of the implementation of the project Creative@Hubs – Holistic networking of creative industries via hubs, the process of renovating buildings infrastructure and adapting them to Creative Hubs begins to become a reality in the 4 regions of: Western Greece, Epirus, the Ionian Islands and Puglia!

In Western Greece, the way has been opened for the implementation of technical interventions that will reform by renovating the building of the former Agricultural School of Patras and will transform it into a modern and functional collaborative space for creative industries. Both, the 2nd floor of the preserved neoclassical “Chrysogelos” in Messolonghi, but also in Agrinio the 2nd floor in the premises of the Chamber, as well as the allotted space at the headquarters of Pyrgos, have been configured and soon will be manned with technological equipment, enabling the SMEs creative industries to a meeting point, creativity and networking.
Agrinio Messolonghi
In Zakynthos, one of the most modern recording studios in Greece will be developed on the premises of the Music Lyceum, a space that will serve as part of the development of the creative and cultural sector of the wider region.

At the same time, in Ioannina emphasis is given to the development of a network of bodies in order to develop complex activities between different sectors of handicrafts, such as ceramics, silversmithing, carpentry, textiles and carving stone. The idea is to provide joint services, development support actions, training, planning and pilot production methods and exhibitions and marketing activities for the aforementioned sectors of the local economy.

Finally, the region of Puglia, in the cities of Bari and Foggia will create two modern structures to support the creative industry by developing a multi-sectoral environment, hosting businesses mainly in the agricultural and food sector, aiming to develop innovative products with the participation of universities and private companies, that encourages connections, solutions, innovation and generate best practices.
Bari Foggia
An important factor of modernization will be the ICT tools developed for the technological support of SMEs of creative industries, the seminars and thematic workshops that will be organized strengthening the collaborative activities and networking of the 8 collaborative spaces, through their targeted management by the hub managers. At the same time, the exchange of innovation and know-how, as well as the internationalization of creative SMEs, will be achieved through cross-border synergies.
The 2nd Executive Board meeting of the Creative@Hubs project, which took place online last Friday, March 26, 2021, confirmed the steady course of implementation of the launched works, in the 4 regions of Greece-Italy.