AETHER “Alliance for the Effective Transnational Handling of Environmental Resources.“ The AETHER Project is funded by the Interreg V-A Italy-Greece 2014/2020 programme. Its primary objective is to promote cross-border actions aimed at both protecting and promoting the sustainable use of marine, coastal, and continental resources in the Adriatic-Ionian area. AETHER RESULTS Joint governance and management
Author: Sfregola
Aether: Risultati per le misure di protezione dell’ecosistema
AETHER “Alliance for the Effective Transnational Handling of Environmental Resources.“ Il Progetto AETHER, finanziato dal programma Interreg V-A Grecia-Italia 2014/2020, promuove azioni transfrontaliere volte a tutelare e promuovere l’uso sostenibile delle risorse marine, costiere e continentali nella Regione Adriatico Ionica (EUSAIR). I RISULTATI DI AETHER Governance e gestione congiunta di Piani che integrano misure di
Creative@Hubs: on line the 5th Newsletter
The 5th and final newsletter of Creative@Hubs cross-border project “Holistic networking of creative industries via hubs” is now available. Approaching the completion of the Creative@Hubs project of the European Territorial Cooperation Program “Interreg V-A Greece-Italy 2014-2020”, the 5th Newsletter presents a summary overview of the actions! The newsletter is available in 3 languages: English, Greek
Creative@Hubs Interreg V-A Greece-Italy 2014-2020: Press Release
The 2-day hybrid Final Conference of the Cross-Border Project “Creative@Hubs” Interreg V-A Greece-Italy 2014-2020 was held with great success and participation, in Patras. Download the PRESS RELEASE.
Interreg CoofHea2 present in Patras the innovative digital tools for health services
The Hellenic Ministry of Health and the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Health S.A. organize the conference of the European project Cooperation for Health 2. The conference will be held at the Conference & Cultural Center of the University of Patras (Room I.12) on Friday, October 6, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. The project focuses on
Creative@Hubs – Holistic networking of creative industries via Hubs
In the framework of the implementation of the European Cross-Border Territorial Cooperation Programme “Interreg V-A Greece-Italy 2014-2020” with title: “Creative@Hubs – Holistic networking of creative industries via Hubs” – an e-platform was created with digital tools for the support, collaboration and networking of SMEs in the creative sector. The creation of 4 main supporting pillars,
Puglia and Greece together for a cleaner world: 16 September in Taranto and Zakynthos for the Interreg Cooperation Day
Puglia and Greece together for a cleaner world: 16 September in Taranto and Zakynthosfor for the Interreg Cooperation Day.A clean-up day of the beaches to celebrate the Interreg Cooperation Day and the fight against marine pollution for the protection of the Environment: this is the aim of the event “Sentinels of the Sea” that will
Interreg Creative@Hubs participates in the 87th Thessaloniki International Fair
The purpose of its’ participation is the promotion and networking of the 4 Creative Hubs active in the Region of Western Greece. Approaching the completion of the Creative@Hubs project, the Regional Development Fund of the Region of Western Greece presents at the 87th Thessaloniki International Fair the 4 Creative Hubs developed in Agrinio, Messolonghi, Patras
Interreg Creative@HUBs organizes in Bari the Rural Creativity Fair
The Call for Interest for the CREATIVE@HUBs Project’s Fair of Rural Creativity is now open! Are you a business or non-profit association from Puglia or Greece? Do you belong to the Agri-food or Cultural and Creative Industry sector? Send your application for the Call for Interest! You can participate and have an exhibition space, for
Interreg AI SMART: discover the 2 touristic itineraries in Puglia -Italy
The AI SMART project, among its main activities, has foreseen the creation of an innovative and interactive cross-border ICT Platform on the services offered by the network of ports in the areas of interest of Greece and Italy. The platform which, in addition to the “Ports and Services”, “Points of Interest”, “Transport and Routes” sections,