The sixth edition of the Adriatic Sea Forum – cruise, ferry, sail & yacht took place, featuring the participation of the AI SMART project. This international Forum showcased various projects of European Cooperation, including AI SMART selected for its objectives aligning with the Forum’s main focus. Considered as one of the most important and interesting
Interreg AI SMART in Bari for an Institutional Visit Tour
The Mobility Department of the Puglia Region hosted in Bari, from 23 to 25 May 2023, the representatives of the three Greek partners of the Region of Ionian Islands, the Region of Epirus and the Region of Western Greece of the AI SMART project, for the Institutional Visit Tour aimed at exchanging experiences between the
Project Closure Event in Bari: on line the presentations
The slide presentations of the Project Closure event, held in Bari are now available here:
Creative@hubs meets in Bari the creative and agrifood companies
On 28 June from 10 a.m. at the headquarters of the Department of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment in lungomare Nazario Sauro 47, an information meeting dedicated to the Strategic Action of the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Cooperation Programme “CREATIVE@HUBS Holistic networking of creative industries via Hubs” will take place. Finally, also thanks to the broad
Creative@hubs in Puglia: 3 meetings to connect creative industries and agri-food research for rural development
CREATIVE@HUBS organizes in Puglia three important meetings on Creative Rurality in cooperation with CiHeam Bari on 12, 13 and 14 June 2023. The first Rural/Digital Seminar will be hosted on 12 June by Macnil’s Digital Nursery in Gravina di Puglia, at 5.30 pm. The event will offer the opportunity to reflect on rurality and digitalisation
Interreg Creative@Hubs: on line the 4th Newsletter
The 4th Newsletter of Creative@Hubs project “Holistic networking of creativeindustries via hubs” is now available. Cross-Border Open Innovation Contest, B2B Missions, Exhibitions, “Make NoiseEvents”, exchange programme of Hub Managers in Greece and Italy, workshopsand seminars are some of the news. The newsletter is available here. Enjoy reading! English
Greece and Italy pave the way to 2021-2027 Programme
The first meeting of the Monitoring Committee (MC) of the Interreg Greece-Italy 2021-2027 Programme was held in Greece (Patras) on 28 March 2023. The MC is the decision-making body of the Programme, chaired by Mr. Georgios Zervos, Special Secretary for ERDF and Cohesion Fund for the Greek Ministry of Development and Investments, and is composed
Interreg AI Smart in Mola di Bari (Italy) receives the visit of representatives of European Commission
Great enthusiasm and full approval expressed by the representatives of the European Commission Maria Sioliou e Simona Pohlova, who visited Puglia Region on 7 March 2023, in order to analyze the implementation of the activities carried out so far within the strategic project AI SMART “Adriatic Ionian Small Port Network”. The main objective of the
Greece-Italy Programme welcomes Mrs. Maria Nezeriti as Managing Authority
Mr. Gergios Zervos, Special Secretary for ERDF and Cohesion Fund for the Greek Ministry of Development and Investments appointed Mrs. Maria Nezeriti as Head of the new Managing Authority of Interreg Greece-Italy Programme. After 6 intense and fruitful years, starting from 2017, we warmly thank Mrs Aggeliki Bouziani for her work and the results achieved,
Interreg Creative@Hubs launches a call for aspiring entrepreneurs in the Agrifood and Creative sectors- deadline 3 April
CIHEAM Bari and the University of Salento launch an Expression of Interest for aspiring entrepreneurs and innovators in the agrifood and Creative and Cultural sectors with an innovative idea, within the framework of the Interreg CreativeHubs Project. The call is focused to Team ideas. Seventy participants aged between 18 and 35, with a high school