“Putting creativity at the heart of European Recovery Fight” is the title of the event that featured representatives of the institutions and the cultural world who discussed issues such as culture, tourism productive and manufacturing sectors, digital and national politics in Culture planning perspective for the coming years.
The first edition of the Creativity Fair is a cross-border and interactive event organized by Interreg Traces project ion 9-10 October in virtual way.
All event videos are available at this link on YouTube channel —
All information on start-ups, speakers, guests are avalable here.
The University of Salento – Department of Management and Economics is the lead beneficiary of this project in cooperation with two Italian partners, the Tecnopolis Science and Technology Park of Bari and the Creative Apulia Cluster Association, and two greek partners, the Hellenic Management Association and the Chamber of Achaia. Associated Partners are ENCATC – European Network on Cultural Management and Policy and the Foundation for Ethical Finance.