Seminar dedicated to HUB Managers have been organized and it will start on June 3rd. The course is aimed at training HUB managers in Italy and Greece and in particular at the empowerment of management skills and the promotion of the services, the creation of the local ecosystem, the provision of development services and support of youth entrepreneurship with particular attention to Cross-Innovation activities.
The Call for participants has been published on the CIHEAM Website
The course will be delivered remotely and will be held in English by international teachers including experts and operators of incubators and business start-up.

Access is restricted to a maximum of 20 people, of which 10 participants from the territories of Italy and Greece and 10 listeners from the Mediterranean countries.
The deadline for sending the applications is May 26, 2021.
It will be very important to invite the HUB Managers of Aigio XO-HUBS and others Greek Hub Managers.