The Chamber of Aetoloakarnania organized 2 training workshops: “The Art of Mural-Street Art” & “Studio Photography Seminar – Composition, Direction, Lighting”, within Creative@Hubs project.
During the first seminar, that was held in Mesolonghi on May 23rd, the key-note speaker, Mr. Dimitris Kretsis (art-painter) introduced to the 57 attended people the spirit of this art, stressing that in Greece “Street Art” is particularly popular the last seven years. Many buildings, are offering to the artists a large scale of surfaces and walls on which they can express their artistic creation. Thus, the cities are being transformed into open-air galleries, being a means of popular expression and culture.
The second workshop, held in Agrinio on June 6th, focused on the composition, direction and lighting of the art of photography, in a studio. The first key-note speaker, Mrs. Lena Arkoumani (photographer) explained to the 44 participants, how to set up a portrait photo, as it is a complex process that requires the photographer the ability to observe and interpret the movements and expressions of the model, inspiring him with security to unfold his special personality. The second key-note speaker Mr. Konstantinos Rizos (photographer), focused on the product photography, which needs flexible cameras with digital backs. The photographer must have a good knowledge of lighting techniques, with skills of composition and creative imagination, so that his photographs attract the interest of consumers.
The organization of workshops by the Chamber of Aetoloakarnania is a concrete reply to the needs of the local creative and cultural industries, emerged after a survey conducted in 2020 by the Institute of Regional Development – Panteion University. The local creative industries can contribute to the local economic development however, they lack of significant skills as creativity, economic knowhow related to the innovative business models, so they need to be trained about these topics in order to become more competitive.
It is possible to see again the Workshops via the Chamber’s Facebook page.