The laboratory of solid modeling, lead by the experts of Fab Poliba in
Bitonto (Italy) and the 3D printing scale model will allow the blind to
discover audio/video content description, through touch sensors.
This is possible thanks to the work of architects and engineers who are attending a laboratory of solid modeling In Bitonto during the first weeks of May, financed by Cross the Gap project.
The laboratory is divided into 3 thematic modules:
- • 1. Solid modeling
- • 2. 3D printing
- • tactile implementation
Each participant worked on a historical monument thanks to a free online software (TinkerCAD for Autodesk) which allows you to model three-dimensional objects with a simple and intuitive interface. The Fablab Poliba staff supported the participants in the knowledge of the main software tools with preliminary lessons and supports them in real time in modeling operations thanks to the creation of a virtual online class that the chosen software makes available to users.
After the solid modeling path, a scale model of Bitonto historical centre will be print through 3D printing. The model scale will be covered by a chromatic substance and then, touch sensors will be installed. In this way it will be possible for the blind or visually impaired users to hear audio/video content description with the a simple touch pressure.