Science and citizens brought together in a “Citizen Science” experiment to fight fire hazard. This is the goal of FireAware, the new application for iOS devices introduced in the framework of Ofidia2 project – Operational FIre Danger prevention plAtform 2.The App allows citizens to send real time notifications and collects anonymous data useful to perform statistical fire analyses in Puglia region and over the whole Italian country.
Available for free download on the App Store, FireAware is an experiment that, through the application of cutting-edge scientific knowledge and technological innovations, allows citizens to play an active role in improving and raising collective awareness about fire danger by means of three simple steps: specifying fire intensity, indicating the distance from the fire based on the user geo-localized position, and sending the information.
It is worth noting that the App is not meant to replace any national emergency number/service. In case of fire, users are encouraged to report any fire danger situation to the competent authorities through the official channels (dial 115 for the National Fire Service).
OFIDIA2 is a scientific project stemming from the fruitful cooperation between scientific research, cutting-edge technologies, policymakers and Italian and Greek public agencies. The project has the objective of improving environmental safety to preserve it from wildfire risk. A network of technologies, infrastructures and scientific knowledge is at the heart of the project that aims to develop environmental protection measures in the Region of Puglia (Italy) and in Epirus (Greece) in order to prevent and tackle wildfires in the forests and rural areas. HD video cameras, wireless sensors networks and drones are the available tools for the monitoring of remotely located areas in the two Regions, whereas a new control room for the Regional Civil Protection in Bari will be the headquarters of the necessary operational activities.
The OFIDIA 2 project capitalizes on the results of the previous OFIDIA1 project, that was funded during the 2007-2013 Programming Period, with the aim to implement, update and innovate the achievements as well as extending the monitoring areas. The CMCC Foundation is Lead Partner of the OFIDIA2 project; the other partners are the Civil Protection Section of Apulia, the Decentralized Administration of Epirus-Western Macedonia (DAEWM) and the University of Ioannina. The Municipality of Lecce and the Regional Agency for Irrigation and Forest Activities (ARIF) play a key role in the planned activities as associated partners.