Simple, fun and educational – that is what Freesel is like. This webapp was developed to assess how much users know about the Mediterranean diet and its benefits, it calculates the “Medi-Lite” score on eating habits and provides useful advice that can easily be put in practice on a daily basis, at home or at work, or while on holiday.
Freesel promotes a Mediterranean lifestyle and depicts a journey through curiosities and great knowledge-based facts in an edugame.
Users can measure their adherence to the Mediterranean diet and their score is determined by a sum of their correct answers. With this system, users are encouraged to try the app many times, discovering recipes, fun facts and new information.
Freesel was developed as part of the ‘Silver Well-being’ project. The project was designed and implemented by the Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Policlinico di Bari (lead partner) together with the University of Bari ‘Aldo Moro’ and three authoritative partners from Greece: the University of Ioannina, the Foundation for Research & Technology (FORTH) and InnoPolis Centre for Innovation and Culture. Its aim is to promote silver tourism (for people aged over 55) and the benefits of a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.
Download from your smartphone the app at following link
Prof. Antonio Moschetta, Professor at the Interdisciplinary Department of Medicine – University of Bari, offered a preview of Freesel during two webinars ‘The Mediterranean Diet and Metabolic Syndrome: A Way to Longevity’ (for physicians) and ‘Silver Well-being: A Journey through the Mediterranean Diet and Slow Tourism’ (for tour operators and silver tourists), which took place recently as the final step of the ‘Silver Well-being’ programme.
Freesel is available in Italian, English and and soon in Greek.