The Managing Authority of the Interreg V-A Cooperation Program Greece-Italy 2014-2020 in the context of the writing of the new Cooperation Program for the Programming Period 2021-2027 and with the aim of further developing the partnership conducted 3 phases of public consultation as follows:
- the 1st phase of the Public Consultation was carried out with the aim of highlighting the needs and challenges of the intervention area, gathering information not only on the strengths and weaknesses, but also the opportunities and threats presented in it. In addition, the contribution of the bodies was obtained through their experience from the design, but also the implementation of the current Interreg V-A European Cooperation Program “Greece – Italy 2014-2020”.
- the 2nd phase of the Public Consultation focused on prioritizing the Specific Objectives of the Program Strategy to meet the needs of the cross-border area, submitting proposals for relevant actions through which these Objectives will be met, linking the specific objectives with the rest selected Policy Objectives, as well as in the selection of objectives and their interconnection with the identified Policy Objectives in the context of the Marine Dimension of the Program.
- the 3rd phase of Public Consultation was conducted at executive level, during the period from 1 to 13 July 2021. More specifically, the contribution of the bodies was requested, through written interviews regarding:
- the promotion of synergies and/or complementary actions of the new Interreg VI-A Program Greece-Italy 2021-2027, with the other Programs implemented in the cross-border cooperation area,
- the areas of Blue Growth in which the new Program should focus
- the proposals regarding the Strategy of the new Program.
The Programming Committee of the Interreg VI-A Cooperation Program “Greece- Italy 2021-2027 based on the results of the above consultations and within the framework of its responsibilities, formulated the present Programme draft which was sent informally to the relevant bodies of the EU.