Better delivery and higher effectiveness of the services provided by PA to SMEs and young entrepreneurs, promotion of a continuous and profitable dialogue between public and private sector eventually leading to evidence-based policy making are key issues of discussion at regional as well as international level. On top of that, the new challenges that aroused from the COVID-19 pandemic need to be timely tackled in order to facilitate economic recovery, stability and development.
These and other topics will be discussed during the web-conference “International cooperation and post-COVID-19 regional development policies” which will be held online on July 23rd 2020. The online conference is organized by Regione Puglia with the collaboration of BaLab (Center of excellence for innovation and creativity of the University of Bari).
The initiative will bring together prominent representatives of the political and academic world who will share their views and perspectives and answer to the questions raised by participants; among others: Cosimo Borraccino, regional Counsellor for economic development; Raffaele Piemontese, regional counsellor for youth policy; Domenico Laforgia, Head of the International Policy Coordination Unit of Regione Puglia; Gianfranco Gadaleta, Coordinator of the Joint Secretariat of the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme.
This web conference forms part of the communication and dissemination plan of the egov_INNO project, funded by the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Program 2014-2020. Regione Puglia is part of the project consortium, led by the Regional Development Fund of the Region of Western Greece, and composed by “Diophantus”, Greek computer technology institute and press, and InnovaPuglia S.p.A, in-house company of Regione Puglia for ICT and innovation.
During the online event the results, feedbacks and best practices of two other projects will be presented. Both project are financed by the EU funding programs Interreg, that promote interregional cooperation to deliver better shared policy, implemented in Apulia regional territory; namely: “E-COOL- entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial mindset in young people through the dynamization of competences, teaching methodologies and entrepreneurial ecosystem”, carried out by the Youth Policy Department of Regione Puglia and aimed at creating more lively and fruitful entrepreneurial ecosystems, and “ILONET – Fostering capacities and networking of industrial liaison offices, exploitation of research results and business support”, implemented by University of Bari Aldo Moro and the Regional Agency for Technology and Innovation (ARTI) and focused on promoting technological transfer and incubation paths to support the economic growth (especially for SMEs).
Participation upon registration at the following link:
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