The Region of Puglia Department of Mobility, Urban Quality, Public Works, Ecology and Landscape is organising a Webinar within the framework of the BEST cross-border cooperation project. This webinar will be open to all, and in particular to people interested in biodiversity, environment, agriculture, the sea, research, biotechnology and tourism, along with public administrators and policy makers.
Delegates will include Anna Grazia Maraschio, Environmental Assessor, Territorial Planner, Territorial Asset Manager, Landscape of the Puglia Region; Barbara Valenzano, Director of the Department of Mobility, Urban Quality, Public Works, Ecology and Landscape; the Coordinator and the Project Officer of the Joint Secretariat, Interreg Greece-Italy 2014-2020 Programme; the BEST Project Manager and technical managers.
BEST: “Addressing joint agro- and aqua-Biodiversity pressures Enhancing SuSTainable Rural Development” is a strategic project funded by the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy 2014-2020 Programme under Priority Axis 2 – Integrated environmental management. From Greece, the Region of the Ionian Islands (project leader), the Region of Epirus and the Region of Western Greece; from Italy the Region of Puglia – Department of Mobility, Urban Quality, Public Works, Ecology and Landscape. The objective of BEST is to restore and protect biodiversity in the target regions, while applying new low environmental impact technologies, in order to create new policies, products and services. The ultimate goal is to improve quality of life for the citizens of the regions involved.
BEST Project activities and aims will be presented in the context of the protection and conservation of biodiversity, currently centred on two pilot areas in Puglia. The first pilot project includes an area extending between Polignano a Mare, Monopoli, Fasano and Ostuni on the Adriatic coast, and the Small Sea Regional Natural Park on Taranto’s Ionian coast; the second pilot study concerns the impact of invasive species and in particular the effects of Xylella, centring on the Salento geographical area.
Participants will be able to learn about methods and tools that will be used to reach the objectives of the Project, to get to know experts, professionals and partners in order to swap knowledge and good practices, and to participate and contribute directly to the meeting.
Friday 18th December 2020 from 10:00am until 12:00pm.
Simply click You can download the app or log in directly with your name, surname and email address. If requested, please enter code: 175 680 4304
The programme in detail:
For more information on the Project:
Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you!