The Chamber of Aetoloakarnania, organizes the 2nd Workshop – “Documentary: from idea to creation” within Creative@Hubs project on Friday, 9th of July 2021 at 20:30 p.m., in collaboration with “Polis Production” and the “Philological Art Association of Messolonghi”
The workshop will be held in Messolonghi, outside of the Chrysogelos Building,

The main theme will focus on the transitional stages from the idea to the implementation of a historical documentary and which will include the basic tools that will structure it (direction, setting, place-time selection, music related to the historicity of the event).
The 2 keynote speakers will be the director Mr. Lefteris Daskalakis and the music teacher – composer Mr. Christos Vlachogiannis.
The Workshop-Seminar will be broadcast with live streaming via the Chamber’s page on Facebook.