Interreg egov_Inno call for papers: deadline 31 October

The Regions of Puglia and Western Greece are co-hosting a two-venue conference aiming to provide the members of the higher education and research community, as well as practitioners, with the opportunity to share their findings, experiences, and ideas, in a friendly and intellectually stimulating environment.

The event will be a Conference on Regional Entrepreneurship and Innovation, that will be held on 30 Μarch 2020 in Bari (Puglia) and on 24-25 April 2020 in Patras (Western Greece). It consists of keynote and invited speeches, panel discussions, academic paper sessions (oral presentations and poster presentations).

Prospective authors are kindly invited to propose original papers of 8,000 words or less, written and presented in English, via abstracts of 150-400 words. All full-paper submissions will be peer-reviewed. Those accepted or conditionally accepted will be presented at the conference orally and, upon reviewer approval, published in a special post-conference volume.

  • The topics cover all issues regarding entrepreneurship and innovation (E&I), including (but not limited) to:
  • theoretical models, inspiring cases, good practices.
  • the measurement of entrepreneurship and/or innovation.
  • the use of survey, official statistics, big or other data for E&I policy purposes.
  • useful sectoral, local, regional, intra-regional, state-wide, cross-border, international analyses at the micro or macro level.
  • the inception and implementation of systems that advance E&I.
  • the development of tools, services, and observatories as means to further E&I.
  • the role of any of the following in advancing E&I: institutions, culture, education, investments, funding, technology, science parks, incubators/accelerators, market/no market ecosystems and/or specific E&I policies.
  • the impact of E&I on economic.