Interreg Polysemi: Conference in Corfu on 21-23 November – cultures and civilisations for responsible tourism

On November 21-23 2019, the Department of History, Ionian University will host in Corfu the International Study Conference “Between the Adriatic and Ionian Seas. Cultural itineraries and sustainable tourism”, funded by Interreg Polysemi project – Park of Literary travels in Greece and Magna Graecia.

The aim of the conference is to verify how the travel literature, starting from the Middle Ages up to the present day, can contribute to the development of cultural itineraries, by satisfying travellers’ needs and promoting the involved regions. Over 30 speakers, among worldwide operators and scholars will  deal with these themes in a rich sequence of interventions that confirm the importance of the project area in the perspective of a more responsible form of tourism.

The initiative is the last but not least step of a travelling conference between Puglia and Greece with the title “Between the Adriatic and the Ionian. The literary imagery of the journey ”, which started in Bari on 24-25 June and continued on 29-30 October in Taranto.

The first conference in Bari aimed to discover the places between Puglia and Greece, whose stories and images have been narrating by writers, poets, storytellers, essayists and artists who travelled between the two coasts, starting from the journey of the Argonauts until the way to represent the sea in the twentieth century. The second conference, held in Taranto on 29 and 30 October 2019 with the title “Between the Adriatic and the Ionian. Cultural heritage and development of the territory “, aimed to discover the traditions of the local communities, that contribute to the development of culture and promotion of the territory.