The Mayor of the Municipality of Nardò, Pippi Mellone, tomorrow, the 22nd of July 2022 at 19:30 p.m., will inaugurate the Water Aerodrome and Terminal of Santa Maria al Bagno, that has been built on the “La Marmora” seafront as the “heart” of the SWAN project (Enhancing regional transportation through sustainable water aerodrome network), a system of eight multifunctional Water aerodromes and Terminals between Italy and Greece. After an intense bureaucratic, design and building work lasted four years, the infrastructure is ready and includes a Water Aerodrome and a mini-Terminal with an annexed info-point for tourist services to the general public.
The built seaplanes infrastructure with the annexed tourist info-point, will be finally opened to the public to improve the local and cross-border transport system by a renewed, smart, multimodal integration of the actual transport modes, as well as, the current tourist services offer for the benefits of passengers, tourists and residents for the further social-economic development of the involved Greece Italy Programme area.

The Water Aerodrome and Terminal of Nardò has been implemented by the Municipality of Nardò. The infrastructure works have been carried out by the selected company “La NUOVA METALMECCANICA” for an amount equal to 180.326,94 euros VAT included.
In addition to the Mayor, Pippi Mellone, also Mr. Gianfranco Gadaleta and Carmela Sfregola (Joint Secretariat) and Italian project partners will attend the event.