The Kick-off meeting of the project Mobilab – Strengthening innovation and competitiveness of dairy enterprises through Mobile Laboratories of quality control, co-funded under the first call of Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme 2014-2020, was held on 4 and 5 June in Kerkira (Faliraki Conference Centre). Lead Partner of the project is the Hellenic Agricultural Organizaztion; the project partners are the Region on Ionian Islands, the University of Bari and the Metropolitan City of Bari.
The project aims to work with the entire dairy chain from the producers to the consumers, by introducing innovation technology in farming and cheese processing in order to standardize the Ionian and Apulian dairy products with the check of milk and cheese quality.
In particular, the project will provide technical assistance to farmers by developing two mobile laboratories in Puglia and Ionian Islands that will enhance the cheese safety and quality level. The projects will involve local producers raisers and businessmen to facilitate commercial exchanges, especially women & young people to create conditions for new qualified jobs as opportunities.