The kick-off meeting of the project “Egov_INNO – E-government services and tools from regional governments and regional development bodies to support and coordinate the regional research and innovation capital”, funded for 720.000,00 € by Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme 2014 – 2020, was held in Patras on 10-11 July 2018, at Regional Council Hall.
The Lead beneficiary is the Regional Development Fund of Region of Western Greece, while the project partners are: Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus”, Innova Puglia S.P.A. and Puglia Region Competitiveness and Research of the Productive Systems Unit.
The project main objective is to deliver e-government services for the private sector by contributing to the improvement of the utilization of customized e-government services for business (e.g. for innovative start-ups) proposing effective and feasible applications leading to better governance and faster delivery of services to the local private sector.
Thanks to this project, the regional business support institutions will support the entreprises for the business and for the utilization of public investment funds, by giving them the chance to plan their activities with targeted investments.
For this reasons all partners will implement 3 need analysis reports for the development of advanced Government to business e-services plans (G2B) in Puglia and in Western Greece. In addition they will plan 5 seminars for training SMEs on e-tools developed and 5 initiatives in collaboration with the academic and research community, in order to maximize the results of this investment.