MIS System Section 3: instructions to access

We would like to inform all beneficiaries that the Section 3 of the MIS system is working.
This section allows you to “upload” the expenditures you have incurred for the implementation of projects funded under the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme 2014 2020.

Additionally, allows Greek beneficiaries to submit their National PDE funding request.

To access Section 3 of the system:

1. It is necessary to enter with your credentials.

2. Select “Projects – Program”.

3. The system will open a new page that automatically allows you to access to section 2 of the system (section of the application Form).

4. At the top left click on “Monitoring” and you will have access to Section 3.

In order to guarantee your access to the section, we invite you to verify your credentials, as it may be possible that you do not have valid credentials for enter to this section of the MIS system.

If you do not have credentials that allow you access, we invite you to follow the instructions in the guide that you can find at the following link:

Guide MIS for user login