The University of Foggia and the National Archaeological Museum of Taranto-MArTA organize “Pontos. The sea that unites”, a review of artistic events linked to the culture of the sea, community and identity thanks to the project FISH&CHIPS – Fisheries and Cultural Heritage, Identity, Participated Societies.
Concerts and theatrical performance are planned in collaboration with theatrical companies (Teatro delle Forche), musicians and artists (La Cantiga de la Serena, Nabil Bey e Fabrizio Piepoli). The events, under the artistic direction of Professor Danilo Leone (University of Foggia), will take place in Taranto according to the following calendar:
- 19 September 2020 sunset (h 18:00): TEATRO DELLE FORCHE – Project CLESSIDRA “DUNE. Sentieri Possibili”, on the banks of the II bay of Mar Piccolo of Taranto;
- 20 September 2020 (h 11:00): La Cantiga de la Serena (feat. Andrea De Siena), “LA FORTUNA canti di gioia, di preghiera e d’amore dal Mediterraneo”, at the cloister of MArTA;
- 20 September 2020 sunset (h 18:00) and night (h 21:00): TEATRO DELLE FORCHE – Project CLESSIDRA “DUNE. Sentieri Possibili”, on the banks of the II bay of Mar Piccolo of Taranto;
- 26 September 2020 (h 19:00): Nabil Bey, Fabrizio Piepoli in “GHIBLI suoni ed echi dal Mediterraneo”, at the cloister of MArTA;
- 04 October 2020 morning (h 11:00) and afternoon (h. 17:00): TEATRO DELLE FORCHE in “KORE”, at the cloister of MArTA.
All the events are free but with limited access, therefore it is necessary to book a seat by calling the ticket office of the National Archaeological Museum of Taranto-MArTA: tel. 099 4538639. For the exhibition of 19 and 20 September on the banks of Mar Piccolo, it is necessary to make a reservation by calling the ticket office of Teatro delle Forche: tel. 349 7291060.

FISH&CHIPS project, financed under Priority Axis 2 (Integrated Environmental Management) is focused on sea, fishing, maritime, traditions and aims to give value to the archaeological and cultural heritage of the area of Taranto in Puglia and the island of Corfu in Greece, creating concrete opportunities for diversification of fishing communities’ economic activities and seasonal adjustment.