Seminar on Management Information System (MIS) in Athens on 30 october 2018

The Special Secretariat for ERDF and  CF funded sectoral Operational Programmes, in cooperation with the Managing Authority of Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme and the MIS Special Service, will organize a seminar on Management Information System (MIS), for the beneficiaries of the funded Projects.

The seminar will take place in Athens, Hotel Divani Caravel, (Vassileos Alexandrou 2, Athens meeting room Ilissos) on 30 october 2018 (9.00-17.00).

The maximum number of participants is restricted to two persons per beneficiary, regardless the number of projects or the Programmes that the beneficiary participates. In case a beneficiary participates in more than one Programmes, then this beneficiary should provide a single confirmation email.

Download the seminar agenda.

