Official Opening for PIT STOP Lab of the Chamber of Achaia premises in Patras on february 2020. The PITSTOP lab, was inaugurated by Ms Maria Spiraki, Member of the European Parliament, who stressed the importance of European programs such as Interreg for the development of people’s skills. The President of Chamber of Achaia, Mr Marlafekas,
Tag: PitStop
Call for young entrepreneurs to select 4 innovative ideas on ICT and Smart Citizen: deadline 1st March 2020
The Chamber of Commerce of Bari, partner of Pit Stop Project, launches a call to select 4 innovative ideas, whose business is focused on ICT, with particular reference to software or informative systems, including web and mobile, or on Smart Citizen (clean and renewable energies, innovative systems for food production or for environmental sustainability, urban
Kick-off meeting of Pit-Stop project: innovation pathways for urban development
The Kick-off meeting of the project PIT STOP “Innovation Pathways for Urban development”, funded for € 900.952,00 by the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme 2014-2020, was held on 24th and 25th October in Barletta (Theater “G. Curci” conference room). The Municipality of Barletta is lead partner of the project in collaboration with two Italian partners, the