The Chamber of Commerce of Bari, partner of Pit Stop Project, launches a call to select 4 innovative ideas, whose business is focused on ICT, with particular reference to software or informative systems, including web and mobile, or on Smart Citizen (clean and renewable energies, innovative systems for food production or for environmental sustainability, urban regeneration, sustainable mobility, e-health).
Deadline for submission is on 1st March 2020.
Proposals can be submitted exclusively by: Informal groups composed of at least three people, aged between 18 and 35 who intend to start a new innovative company with registered and/or operational headquarters in the area of competence of the PIT-STOP project.
The projects can be a different stage of development: the training section will follow the evaluation phase. The project must therefore be presented in its ideational form, but it contains – even if in a descriptive form – the useful elements to define the business plan. The young entrepreneurs therefore linked to be able to: 1) Fill an Application Form in which they describe shortly the business idea; 2) Submit a minimal Business Model Canvas.
It is possible to download the application form on this link Bando GINN- Giovani Innovatori