Chamber of Commerce of Bari launches a public call to select 5 Italian aspiring start-uppers and new formed start-ups, to be included in a 2-month free virtual incubation path, within Interreg Yess project Applications can be submitted from 26 October 2020 (h. 09.00 Italian time) Deadline for the submission is 23 November 2020 (h. 12.00
Tag: Yess
Interreg YESS: 25 innovative business ideas to select -deadline 6 march
Interreg Yess project is launching the first Cross-Border (CB) incubator: the 25 best ideas which will be selected (10 from Greece and 15 from Italy) will move on to the next phases receiving the relevant services. The selected innovative business ideas will receive free consulting, training, networking and incubation services for a period of at least
YESS project selects 20 candidates for Summer School: deadline 20 June
The YESS Summer School (July 2019, 15th – 26th) is a unique opportunity where you will meet in BARI (ITALY) professionals, businessmen and academics that will help you to figure out how to innovate in the fields of Blue Growth, Design, e-Health, Tourism, Social Innovation and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). If you are young
Kick-off meeting of Yess project: Young Entrepreneurs Startup School
The Kick-off meeting of the project Yess – Young Entrepreneurs Startup School, funded for 898.000,0 euros by the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme 2014-2020, was held in Bari on 10-11 September 2018, at Polytechnic University of Bari. The Lead beneficiary is the Polytechnic University of Bari, in cooperation with two Italian partners, Universus CSEI and Chamber