The Kick-off meeting of the project Yess – Young Entrepreneurs Startup School, funded for 898.000,0 euros by the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme 2014-2020, was held in Bari on 10-11 September 2018, at Polytechnic University of Bari.
The Lead beneficiary is the Polytechnic University of Bari, in cooperation with two Italian partners, Universus CSEI and Chamber of Commerce of Bari, and two Greek partners, University of Ioannina and E.R.F.C.
Yess project, funded under Priority Axis 1 – Innovation and Competitiveness focuses on the promotion of innovative incubation services for micro and small enterprises in the sectors of e-health, design, blue growth and tourism.
This project aims to develop hybrid incubation models (virtual and physical), a platform for the virtual incubation, two incubation centers one in Bari (Universus) and one in Ioannina (University of Ioannina), and one “nursery” for young people under 21, to develop their knowledge and skills regarding innovation and entrepreneurship.