The project Ofidia 2 – Operational FIre Danger preventIon plAtform 2, funded by Interreg V-A Greece-Italy cross-border programme, will showcase its main results during an online public event on Tuesday, May 25 – 2021, starting at 9.00 -12.00 am.
The final workshop titled “Wildfire monitoring and prevention: science, innovation and cross-border cooperation towards informed decisions for firefighting” will be an occasion to present the environmental monitoring system set up by the project for wildfire risk forecasting and prevention in Puglia and in the Greek region of Epirus. This highly innovative system consists of a network of wireless sensors placed on trees, various weather stations, high resolution video cameras and drones that allow monitoring of high-risk and remote areas in Italy and Greece.

The infrastructure developed within the project also provides weather forecasts for both regions and high-resolution models of wildfire risk and fire behavior projections. In addition, other major results include the Wildfire Control Center at Puglia Civil Protection and the Mobile App FireAware, that aims to raise citizens’ awareness of wildfire risk.
Registration here
The event will be a chance to talk about the project outcomes and will involve institutional representatives, policy and decision makers, stakeholders, researchers, experts, spokespersons of the civil society and school representatives committed to fire danger forecasting and prevention activities.
Download the agenda