Circle-In web academy: higher training program for circular economy

A web academy on the issues of circular economy and related business models: 20 webinars held by researchers, professionals and entrepreneurs. Available for free and after the registration from 21 October to 21 November 2020 on . It is the new initiative of the Circle-In project – Promoting CIRCuLar Economy INvestments and policies in the cross-border area of ​​Greece-Italy. The project aims to promote entrepreneurial development with a reduced environmental impact and in coherence with the objectives of economic growth, and the more effective and efficient use of resources and waste recovery. The partnership is composed by the Chamber of Commerce of Ioannina and Lefkada for the Greece and by the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia and the Laboratory of Management Engineering of the University of Salento. Circle-In aims to provide practical and operational tools for the identification of entrepreneurial opportunities and the development of good practices in terms of reuse, pollution reduction, regeneration; Thanks to this project, entrepreneurs and local businesses in the Greece-Italy area will be able to be informed and trained on the opportunities of the circular economy, its applications and its benefits.

Circle-In web academy, therefore, will be available online from 21 October to 21 November 2020. It will be completely online and free and it will provide a certificate of attendance.

The webinars focus on three thematic areas:

  • Political and Institutional Framework
  • Circular Economy Business Model
  • Digital and Key Enabling Technologies

Teaching materials and in-depth readings were created with the collaboration of professors and researchers of the Laboratory but also of other prestigious national universities such as the Polytechnic of Milan, the “La Sapienza” University of Rome, the “Parthenope” University of Naples, the LIUC University. Other important contributions are the researchers of ENEA, the Italian Agency for the Energy and the Environment, and professionals and experts in the various thematic domains of the academy.

The circular economy is one of the priorities of the European Commission as it represents a significant opportunity for the sustainable growth of economies and territories. Promoting business initiatives in line with the principles of the circular economy (reuse, recycling, reduction, re-manufacturing and the like) requires the development of skills in the human capital of businesses and institutions and the provision of adequate economic and financial resources.