Communication seminars for beneficiaries Ioannina and Bari: on line the presentations

More than 100 people attended the communication seminars that took place in Ioannina on 28 march 2019 and in Bari on 17 May 2019.

These seminars were two fruitful occasions to train the beneficiaries of funded projects regarding the programme information and communication rules and to share some innovative tools, in order to comunicate Europe and the cohesion policy in a simple way.

Logos, visual identity, the use of social media with practical and concrete examples., press kit, camera, open data and GDPR were the main topics of the seminars, that met the expectations of their participants.

All the presentations are available here and in the section

Communication Seminar – Bari

17 May 2019 – Fiera del Levante

Carmela Sfregola Information and communication rules

Enrico Olivieri Content management and Storytelling

Enrico Olivieri How to use the social media

Francesco Paolicelli Open data Links of useful website

Morena Ragone Are you compliant with GDPR


Communication Seminar – Ioannina

28 March 2019 – Hotel Politia

Dimitris Dimitriadis The use of social media

Carmela Sfregola Information and communication rules