On 13 October, from 9:30 to 11:00, Interreg Greece-Italy will be among the protagonists of the virtual workshop “Women at the forefront of the emergency: resilience stories”, with Interreg COOfHea “Cooperation for Health” Project.
The aim of the workshop is to listen to the stories and to watch videos of women directly involved in civil protection and resilience activities, who will speak about their experience in COVID 19 emergency management.
It’s a joint event, organized by Puglia Region, in partnership with Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro, Interreg V-A Greece-Italy, ENI CBC MED, the Municipality of Tirana, and the Regional Council of Lezha.
The main target groups are young people and civil society, as the final aim is to contribute to a change in mentality and raise awareness of women’s value and potential to create a better world.
Among the testimonies, Interreg COOfHea project, born as a reaction to the pandemic after a specific emergency call, will present its results and especially the interesting research that studies the correlation between the genetic profile of a person and his response to Covid19 infection.
Download the agenda of the event and register HERE.
Click HERE to join the live session on Zoom.