Communication Seminar for Italian beneficiaries: Bari 17 May 2019

Communication Seminar

17 May 2019 09:00 - 17 May 2019 15:30
Fiera del Levante, 70132, Bari, Italy
Padiglione 152 Sala 1 – Fiera del Levante
41.137750 , 16.838263

The Interreg V-A Greece – Italy Programme 2014-2020 organises a Communication Seminar for the Communication Managers for Italian beneficiaries of the approved projects, under the first call, that will be held on 17 May 2019 in Bari, at Padiglione 152 Sala 1 – Fiera del Levante (h. 9.00-15.30)

The goal of the seminar is to inform and train the Communication Managers on the programme  requirements for information and communication rules, but mainly on social media use and strategy.

Due to the nature of the seminar the number of participants will be limited to only (2) two people per project, with preference on the project’s Communication Manager.

Registration is obligatory. Please add also in the box “Last name”, the project acronym.

For more information do not hesitate to contact the Communication Officer Carmela Sfregola

Download the Agenda Communication Seminar Bari