Re-water International workshop in Patras: wastewater Recycling

The Department of Environment & Energy of University of Patras, partner of Interreg Re-water project organizes an international workshop “Reuse of treated wastewater… the solution to address water resources scarcity” that will be held on 16 September (h. 9.00) in Patras Hotel Byzantino- (Riga Feraiou str. 106). The workshop focuses on the adoption of new

Interreg Sparc:“Creative Hub”and “Art Travel ” presented in Bari

On 10t of September at 10.30 at the headquarters of the Department of Tourism, Economics of Culture, Valorisation of the Territory of the Puglia Region (c/o Pav. 107 Fiera del Levante di Bari), the promotional actions “Creative Hub” and “Art Travel” will be presented, within Interreg Sparc project. The “Art Travel” action was created with

From 26 to 30 August, appointment with the theatre of Interreg Nett project

From 26 to 30 August, appointment with the theatre of  Interreg Nett project. Here the theater’s program: 26-30 August  from 20 to 22.30 DUC Exhibition spaces dedicated to agrofood products and artistic handicraft 26 August h. 21.00 location Largo Annunziata Ruvo di PugliaAcoustic concert with Rachele Andrioli and Rocco Nigro in cooperation with Interreg SPARC 27 August (online

Public call to select projects to enhance the network of lighthouses, coastal towers and of hostels in Puglia

Puglia Region – Department of Tourism, Economics of Culture and Valorization of the Territory launches a public call to select artistic and cultural projects to enhance the network of lighthouses, coastal towers and of hostels in Puglia, within the Interreg Cohen and Interreg TheRout_net strategic projects. Deadline for the submission is 24 September 2020 (h.

Interreg Suswater Kick-off meeting

The Kick-off and the1st Steering Committee Meeting of the Project SUSWATER – “A Common Cross- Border Strategy for the Prevention of Seawater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers”, co-funded by the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme 2014-2020 with a budget of 876.389,80 euro, took place on the 7th of July 2020, via teleconference, due to the Covid-19 situation.

Interreg Cohen: San Cataldo lighthouse in Bari will become the “Museum of lighthouses and coastal towers of Puglia”

The restoration project of the San Cataldo lighthouse in Bari was approved. It will become the “Museum of lighthouses and coastal towers of Puglia” and of the “Radio Museum”, thanks to € 510,000,00 euro of european funds. According to the approved report by the city council, the rooms on the ground floor will be used

Interreg Muse: Grand Opening in Tricase of S. Luigi school, renovated in “Arts and crafts residence”

In the Port Museum of Tricase, an old building has been completely restored and, from August 1st, it will be home to the new ” arts and crafts residence”. This result – achieved thanks to the major contribution of the Municipality of Tricase – takes shape in line with previous building regeneration works that led,

International cooperation and post-COVID-19 development policies: e-conference 23 July 2020

Better delivery and higher effectiveness of the services provided by PA to SMEs and young entrepreneurs, promotion of a continuous and profitable dialogue between public and private sector eventually leading to evidence-based policy making are key issues of discussion at regional as well as international level. On top of that, the new challenges that aroused