A new web portal to know Your Europe

Your Europe, is the single, official entry point of the European Union to practical information on rights and opportunities within the EU. You can find useful information regarding life, travel, education and youth and, also,  a practical guide to doing business in Europe. The web portal is available in 23 european languages. Visit Your Europe on

Interreg Traces: 5 Local Ateliers selected in Puglia to host 25 start-ups 

Interreg Traces proclaims the 5 Local Ateliers that will host 25 start-ups (n. 5 start-ups for each Apulian province), where incubation and business development and acceleration services for the cultural and creative enterprises will be developed. Congratulations to – Impact Hub Bari – Bari-BAT Provinces – CETMA -“Technologies Design and Materials European Research Centre – Province of Brindisi

Call for the selection of 60 artists for ceramics and terracotta, mosaic innovative and fabric laboratories

Interreg Craft-Lab project launches a public call for the selection of 60 artists (30 Apulian and 30 Greek), aged between 18 and 35, resident in Puglia and Greece (students/final-year students / graduates), in order to take part in 3 laboratories for practical training and exchange of experience in each Country for ceramics & terracotta, mosaic

Promote your project through #EUinmyregion campaign

Do you want to to promote your project and its results through #EUinmyregion campaign? Do you want to put your  EU-funded project in the spotlight? There’s no time to lose. The campaign in full swing and the website available in 23 languages: www.euinmyregion.eu Italian Version:  https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/it/policy/communication/euinmyregion Greek version: https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/el/policy/communication/euinmyregion   Each project can: 1. upload the project events

A video competition, until 30 June 2019, to celebrate the European Cooperation Day

Interreg programmes commemorate the European Cooperation Day (EC Day) on 21 September every year. And every time they celebrate the value of cooperation through hundreds of events organised in over 30 countries. In 2019, Interreg V-A Greece -Italy Programme organises an amateur video competition to raise citizens’ awareness about the benefits of being part of Europe

Interreg Sparc: the old Municipal Slaughterhouses of Patras will become an innovative Creativity Hub

The old Municipal Slaughterhouses of Patras will be renovate in an innovative Creativity Hub, through the funds of the project Sparc, “Creativity Hubs for Sustainable DeveloPment through the VAloRization of Cultural Heritage Assets”, co-funded for 2.4 million euro by the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme 2014-2020. The Mayor of Patras Kostas Peletidis signed on 23th April the contract

Interreg IR2MA: meeting in Bari for the sustainable water management

The second meeting of the project, Ir2ma- “Large Scale Irrigation Management Tools for Sustainable Water Management in Rural Areas and Protection of Receiving Aquatic Ecosystems”,  was held on 14-15 March 2019 at the National Research Council –Institute of Sciences of Food Production (CNR – ISPA) of Bari (Italy) IR2MA project, co-financed by European Union, Interreg

Interreg Mobilab: a mobile analysis laboratory for the improvement of quality dairy products

On March 28, 2019, (h 9.30-13.00), the third MobiLab meeting took place at the Biblioteca de Gemmis of Città Metropolitana of Bari, in order to present the preliminary project results. Mobilab project aims to improve the quality and safety of the sheep and goat productions, with a particular regard to milk and dairy products. The

Call for the selection of Junior Project Officer: deadline 29 April 2019

Puglia Region is looking for Nr. 1 “Junior Project Officer with a Legal and Administrative Profile – Greek expertise” within the Joint Secretariat (JS). The deadline for submitting the applications is 29 of April 2019 h. 11.00 (Italian time). This personnel selection is carried out through comparison between curricula and subsequent oral test, to verify whether applicants