CREATIVE@HUBS in Puglia: public call to select 10 scholarships in agri-food markets

The University of Foggia, Department of Agricultural Sciences, Food, Natural Resources and Engineering, partner of Creative@hubs project launches a public call to select 10 scholarships for 5 months research activities in agri-food markets with a total remuneration of € 7,500.00. The deadline for the submission is July 04, 2022. The selection will be based on

Interreg Creative@hubs in Greece: training workshps in Patras for creative and cultural industries

The 1st seminar, held on April 18, with 16 participants from the creative sector, entitled “Culture, creativity, entrepreneurship”. The 3 key-note speakers, Mr. Andreas Tsiliras, Mr. George Sarlis (cultural managers) and Mr. Filippos Kefalopoulos (marketing consultant) analyzed the terms entrepreneurship, creativity and culture and discussed with the attendees about their own business actions and thoughts.

Creative@hubs in Greece: 2 workshop of mural-street art & photography

The Chamber of Aetoloakarnania organized 2 training workshops: “The Art of Mural-Street Art” & “Studio Photography Seminar – Composition, Direction, Lighting”, within Creative@Hubs project. During the first seminar, that was held in Mesolonghi on May 23rd, the key-note speaker, Mr. Dimitris Kretsis (art-painter) introduced to the 57 attended people the spirit of this art, stressing that in

Interreg Jump in Puglia selects 4 experts for the artistic workshop 

Applications are now open for the selection of 4 experts to be entrusted with the coordination of workshops (painting, art therapy, photography, graphic design) within the project “JUMP – Joint Urban Measures for creative Players”. The call for the selection of the experts is published at the following link The deadline for applications is

Interreg Aether in Tricase Puglia: “Together for the Environment” event on 29 May

Marine pollution due to plastic is one of main issue where every citizen can make a difference. This is the key idea that leads ASSET Puglia – Strategic Agency for sustainable territorial development to organize the event “Together for the Environment” on Sunday, May 29, 2022 in Tricase Porto (Lecce,Puglia) within Interreg AETHER – Alliance

Interreg Creative@hubs: music and cultivation of herbs workshops in Aetoloakarnania Greece

The Chamber of Aetoloakarnania organized 2 training workshops: “Folk music. Presentation & explanation of terms: The folk, the traditional or ethnic, the neo-folk. Ways of listening and functions of folk music in the past and now and “ZELIOS GI – Theme Parks, Experiential Experiences of Culture”, within Creative@Hubs project. During the first seminar, held in Mesolonghi on

Greece-Italy 2021-2027: Public Consultation on the Strategic Environmental Assessment – deadline 23 April 2022

The Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes as the Planning Authority in the context of the drafting of the Cooperation Programme Interreg VI-A Greece-Italy 2021-2027 and in accordance to what is mentioned in the Common Ministerial Decision with protocol number ΥΠΕΧΩΔΕ / ΕΥΠΕ / οικ.107017 / 2006 (ΒΔ 1225), as amended, has prepared an

Interreg Fame Road: exhibition of traditional folk instruments in Aigialeia

The Municipal Public Benefit Enterprise of Aigialeia and the Municipality of Αigialeia present a special exhibition on musical culture, at the Panagiotopoulos Mansion in Aigio. This is the exhibition of traditional and folk instruments from Greece and the world entitled “Euphonic Memories”, with artistic and educational content, which takes place in the context of the