Hermes Project in Fasano: presentation “Lab Experience Music and Theatre”

Music and theatre to connect Italy and Greece and create, through the power and different languages of the arts, a bridge of connection between Fasano and Arta, the Hellenic city that has so much in common with the territory of Puglia.  Interreg “Hermes – Heritage Rehabilitation as Multiplier cultural Empowerment within Social contest” presents the

Public consultation on the Strategic Environmental Assessment: deadline 23 April 2022

The previous deadline of 2 April has been postponed to 23 April. Read the updated news. In the context of the drafting of the new Programme for the programming period 2021-2027, the Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes is in the phase of final comments and approval of the INTERREG VI-A Programme Greece-Italy 2021-2027.

Greece-Italy 2021-2027: first draft of the new Programme

The Managing Authority of the Interreg V-A Cooperation Program Greece-Italy 2014-2020 in the context of the writing of the new Cooperation Program for the Programming Period 2021-2027 and with the aim of further developing the partnership conducted 3 phases of public consultation as follows: The Programming Committee of the Interreg VI-A Cooperation Program “Greece- Italy

Creative@Hubs: training workshops in Aetoloakarnania for creative industries

The Chamber of Aetoloakarnania, organized  in Agrinio on 12 and 30 January 2 workshops entitled: “Glass painting” and “The art of pottery – Techniques for Creating, Decorating & Glazing Souvenirs from Clay”, within Creative@Hubs project. The first one, attended by 24 people, aimed at getting acquainted with painting and its materials, understanding all the stages of creating a

Interreg F.A.M.E. Road: the training course to improve the tourism in Grottaglie

F.A.M.E. Road “Improve your organization”: the training course to improve the touristic offer of Grottaglie The registrations for the training path “Improve your organization” have just opened.  The free training session, organized by the Municipality of Grottaglie within the Interreg F.A.M.E. Road project, includes 32 hours with touristic experts in order to discover success stories

Interreg Cohen: work in progress in Vieste for San Felice Tower

The San Felice Tower in the Municipality of Vieste will be restored and made accessible to the public thanks to “CoHeN – Coastal Heritage Network”, a project that aims to create the Adriatic-Ionian coastal route between the Puglia Region and Greece. The survey and the historical-archival survey allowed a first analysis of the coastal defensive system and the typological

Entrepreneurship & Innovation: a research to help the local development

The volume “Special Issues on Regional Entrepreneurship & Innovation Planning” has been published by the Regional Development Fund of the Region of Western Greece and the Centre for Planning and Economic Research (CEPE) of Greece. ARTI and the Region of Puglia contributed with two chapters: the fourth one entitled “The Apulian Ιnnovation overview, a tool

Greece-Italy “flagship” projects: analysis of the Italian Cohesion Agency

On line the first analysis carried out by the Italian Cohesion Agency on the “flagship” projects focused on European Territorial Cooperation Programmes. Three Interreg Greece-Italy projects have been selected: egov_Inno project for the smart specialization thematic area, Mobilab for the rural development thematic area and Re-water for blue economy area. The “flagship” projects are those

Interreg Creative@Hubs: workshop in Aetoloakarnania for creative business

The Chamber of Aetoloakarnania, was organized the 9th & 10th Workshops -Seminars, entitled: «HUMAN INSIDE & PHOTOGRAPHY VASILIS NEBEGLERIOTIS – Photo artwork presentation» and «The Art of Engraving» within Creative@Hubs project. The workshops took place in Agrinio and Aetoliko, on 30 October and 19 December, correspondingly. The first one, was oriented to the Documentary Photo in

Olive oil as an innovative form of tourism: event in Preveza

Preveza Chamber, as Lead Beneficiary of the cross-border project: “AUTHENTIC-OLIVE-NET – ”Certification of Authenticity and Development of a Promotion Network olive products in the across border GREECE – ITALY area”, organizes a a symposium focused on “Olive oil Tourism a promising form of alternative in Preveza” aiming to highlight the cultivation of olives as a