The nutritional value of extra virgin olive: workshop in Preveza

Preveza Chamber, as Lead Beneficiary of the cross-border project: “AUTHENTIC-OLIVE-NET – ”Certification of Authenticity and Development of a Promotion Network olive products in the across border GREECE – ITALY area”, organizes a thematic workshop focused on “Training and Olive Oil” aiming to the promotion of the extra virgin olive oils produced from local varieties. The

International Festival of Creative Industries in the Region of Western Greece

The hybrid International Festival of Creative Industries, took place at the Ksystri theme park in Pyrgos, Ilia on 29 December 2021. The objective of the festival is to generate potential cooperation between companies and organizations in order to strengthen the capacity of the regions in the creative sectors, including companies in advertising, marketing, architecture, manufacturing,

Interreg Cross the Gap – event in Lecce on 26 november 2021

The Municipality of Lecce, partner Interreg Cross the Gap – accessibility for social and cultural inclusion, organises an intermediate project event that will take place on 26th November 2021 from 10:00 a.m. at MUST (Via Degli Ammirati, 11, 73100 Lecce LE).During the event, the project results and activities will be illustrated: Design, planning and implementation

Creative@Hubs: on line the 2nd Newsletter

The second newsletter of Creative@Hubs project “Holistic networking of creative industries via hubs” is available. Workshops, seminars, international festival of Creative Industry, exhibitions, activities for the 8 Creative Hubs in Greece and Italy are some of the news. The newsletter is available in 3 languages: english, greek and italian version. Enjoy reading! Creative-Hubs_newsletter_eng Creative-Hubs_newsletter_gr Creative-Hubs_newsletter_it

Creative Industry International Festival: 29 November in Pyrgos

The “Creative Industry” International Festival, organized by the Region of Western Greece – Regional Development Fund, will take place on 29 November 2021 at the Ksystri Theme Park in Pyrgos -Elis. The scope of its operations, taking a hybrid form, is focused on the cultural industries. The “Creative Industries” are among the most important sectors for strengthening

HERMES Project: public calls to select students for “Music and Theatre Lab Experience”

Two initiatives for 25 students between 15 and 18 years old promoted by the Municipality of Fasano, in partnership with the Cultural Association “Le Nove Muse”. Applications by 5th December 2021 There is time until 5th December 2021 to apply for the two workshops, “Lab Experience – Music and Theatre”, organised in the framework of

Interreg AI Smart presents the feasibility study of Bari-Otranto regional maritime connection service

The AI SMART stakeholders meeting “Bari-Otranto regional maritime connection service (Metromare): Interviews with private and public stakeholders” organized by the Mobility Department of Puglia Region, took place online on Wednesday 10th November 2021. The event opened with the presentation of the Technical-Functional and Economic Feasibility Study relating to the Bari-Otranto regional maritime connection service (Metromare).

Interreg Creative: 7-8 Workshops-Seminars in Aetoloakarnania for creative businesses

The Chamber of Aetoloakarnania, was organized the 7th & 8th Workshops – Seminars, entitled: “SPEECH-RHYTHM- MELODIES. The composition of the music and its basic components” and «Techniques & Style of a youth novel writing. Presentation of the youth novel, by the author Fotini Mylona-Raidi: “Outside of the Golden Frame”» within Creative@Hubs project. The workshops-seminars took place on

Interreg AI Smart meets Public administrators for Bari-Otranto Metromare

The Mobility Department of Puglia Region organized the public meeting “Bari-Otranto regional maritime connection service (Metromare): discussion with the Public Administrations and the private sector on the scenarios of the service and on the Technical-Functional Feasibility Study”. The initiative is part of the project AI SMART “Adriatic Ionian Small Port Network” in the frame of