More than 150 participants, in person and online, took part in the capitalisation workshop, organised by the Interreg Greece-Italy Programme at Fiera del Levante on 19 October 2022.
A workshop full of inspired ideas to learn about the meaning of capitalisation that is a building process aimed at consolidating the capital built by the Interreg funded projects during the 2014-2020 programming period with the objectives of:
- making the knowledge and results generated by projects more accessible, thus improving the transfer of knowledge;
- obtaining additional results through benchmarking and detailed content analysis, building on existing knowledge and experience;
- promoting the re-use and/or transfer of this knowledge and these results, to boost performance and delivery (for institutions, public policies).
It is possible to see the recorded event here
The workshop started by the institutional greetings of Maria Sioliou of the European Commission, Aggeliki Bouziani, Managing Authority Interreg Greece-Italy Programme and Viviana Russo of the Italian Cohesion Agency. Then, the two Interact experts Ivano Magazzù and Georges Mercier presented the advanced Capitalisation Methodologies focusing on its main aims and its related actors in this process: takers, givers and thematic communities. Following the presentations:
- Aggeliki Bouziani toward Greece_Italy 2021_2027
- Ivano Magazzù Interact Advanced Capitalisation methodologies
- Georges Mercier Capitalisation Process
After that, 30 projects presented the project results, achieved during the implementation of 2014-2020 programming period focusing on outputs that have added value compared to existing solutions, are ready to use and transferable to different contexts.
The event was composed of 3 separate sessions, each of them focused on the investment priorities of the 2021-2027 Programming. Following the presentations:
Innovation and Competitiveness Workshop
Environment and Risk Prevention Workshop
Tourism and Culture and Social Innovation Workshop