Infodays on project implementation: on line the presentations

More than 4oo people attended the four infodays on project implementation, held in Italy (Bari and Lecce) on 17 and 19 April and in Greece (Patras and Preveza) on 24 and 26 April 2018, addressed to the beneficiaries of the 41 funded project under the first call.

The 4 infodays have been organized by the Managing Authority of Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme in cooperation with the Greek Ministry of Economy & Development and Puglia Region, Coordination of International Policies, Territorial Cooperation Section.

Listening, sharing and comparison have been the key words of the 4 seminars that dealt with the main steps on project implementation: from project start up, through the modifications during the project life time, the financial flow with the timing and reimbursement procedure, until the important issue of the eligibility of expenditure, the first level control system and information and communication tools.

Interreg Greece-Italy Managing Authority and Joint Secretariat presentations can be found here by following the agenda order:


1. Project Implementation

 Katia Sagona Main features of the First call for Proposals

 Tina Ranieri_Dionysia Tamvaki Project Start-up and Monitoring

 Yiorgos Simos Project lifetime Adjustments and Modifications procedure

 Vasilis Gavrielides Commom mistakes during project implementation


2. Reporting procedure and reimbursement

Vasilis Gavrielides Financial flow timing and reimbusement procedure

Giuseppe Aprile Italian Financial Flow_En

Giuseppe Aprile Italian Financial Flow_Ita


3. Information and Communication

Information and communication measures


4. Compliance with the Italian National Registration

Francesco Cuddemi Compliance with the Italian National Legislation


5. Eligibility of expenditure

Giuseppe Gargano Eligibility of expenditure_focus on Italian Beneficiaries

MA Unit C Eligibility of expenditure


6. First Level Controller

Giuseppe Aprile Designation procedure of Italian First Level Control_EN

Giuseppe Aprile Designation procedure of Italian First Level Control_ITA

MA UNIT C Greek First Level Control Guidelines and Procedures