A contest “#promoting my aspiring geopark” for students between 13 and 19 years old to create an original logo that represents the geological heritage of Alta Murgia National Park and supports its nomination for Unesco Geopark. The deadline is on 12th March 2021. All the schools of Altamura, Andria, Ruvo di Puglia, Gravina di Puglia, Minervino
Tag: path
Interreg Path: a contest to storytell the biodiversity of the Reserves of Taranto coastline
The Oriented Regional Nature Reserves of the Eastern Tarantine Coast launches the contest #promotingmyarea reserved for students between 12 and 19 years old to tell in an original way the beauty of the Nature Reserves of the Tarantine Coast, the richness of flora and fauna, nature itineraries and experiential paths created through the cooperation project
Interreg P.a.t.h., 13 new paths in Alta Murgia National Park
On 12-14 February 2020 ITC-CNR has started the survey with a drone, 360° camera and 360° video camera near the points of interest of the following paths, in the Alta Murgia National Park Il picco murgiano “Stagno temporaneo” Lama Genzana “Jazzo Sei Carri” La piana di San Magno “Chiesetta-neviera” Bosco di Scoparello “Quercia e Jazzo
Path second project meeting: new touristic routes to discover Western Greece and Puglia
The second meeting of the P.A.T.H. cross-border cooperation project, “Promoting Area Attractiveness through hiking and introducing a different touristic approach”, was held on 18 and 19 December in Bari at the Premises of the Construction Technologies Institute, National Research Council of Italy (ITC-CNR Via Paolo Lembo 38/B) at 10:00 a.m. The meeting has been the
Kick-off meeting of Path project: new touristic routes to discover Western Greece and Puglia
The Kick-off meeting of the project P.A.T.H, “Promoting Area Attractiveness through hiking and introducing a different touristic approach, was held on 11 and 12 July 2018 in Patra (Premises of the Regional Union of Municipalities of Western Greece). The Regional Union of Municipalities of Western Greece is the lead beneficiary of this project in cooperation