Expression of interest for cultural and creative industries: deadline 16 April 2019

Teatro Pubblico Pugliese, partner of the Project SPARC has published a public call for creative and cultural industries in order to collect expressions of interest for the creation of new products and services through the development of Business Plans. The Public Notice aim to involve the Cultural and Creative Industries that, together with relevant operators

Interreg Triton Workshop in Messolonghi: mitigating the effects of Coastal Corrosion in Gr-It”

The Messolonghi Municipality Coastal Zone at the heart of the Cross-Border Project TRITON On Tuesday, March 19th, the TRITON Open Workshop entitled “Good Environmental Engineering Practices for Mitigating the Effects of Coastal Corrosion in Greece and Italy” will be organised by the European Territorial Cooperation Group (EGTC) Efxini Poli , at the Vasso Katrakis Museum

Precision agriculture in Puglia and Greece: first International Conference of the project TAGs in Brindisi

The First International Conference of the cooperation project TAGs – “Technological and business innovation services to stimulate the local Agro-food ecosystems and to support a cross border collaboration among local action Groups”, financed for € 885.000,00 by the Interreg V- A Greece-Italy Programme 2014 2020, will be held on March 20th 2019, in Brindisi (9:30-13:30),

TeleIcce second project meeting in Brindisi

The Project Meeting of the cross-border cooperation project “TELEICCE – Promotion of Teleworking and Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Training for Increased Cluster Competitiveness and Employment” co-funded by the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme 2014-2020 with a budget of around € 877.707,50 will be held on 19th and 20th March in Brindisi (Puglia). The Hellenic Open

Greece-Italy Monitoring Committee approved 5 strategic projects

On 26th February 2019, during the 6th Monitoring Committee meeting held in Ioannina, (Greece), the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Monitoring Committee approved 5 strategic projects, under the call for targeted project proposals.   TheRoute_Net “Thematic routes and networks” and Cohen ”Costal Heritage Network” are the 2 projects approved under Priority Axis 2 Integrated Environmental Management, Specific Objective 2.1 “Valorisation of cultural

Interreg Ciak: infoday in Corfu to present the project and the international call

Great success for the Info Day, held on 13 February 2019 in Corfu, organized by the Ionian University, partner of Ciak project – “Common Initiatives to AcKnowledge and Valorize the Tourism Potential of the Program Area through Cinema”. More than 120 participants had the opportunity to ask questions related to the open international call that

Traces project: call to select 5 Local Ateliers in Puglia for the cultural and creative enterprises

Distretto Produttivo ‘Puglia Creativa launches an expression of interest, in the framework of Interreg Traces project, in order to identify 5 venues that will host 5 Local Ateliers, where incubation and business development and acceleration services for the cultural and creative enterprises will be developed.  The deadline is 15 march h. 13. Download the call at the following link:

The ports of Brindisi and Igoumenitsa will be closer thanks to Dock-Bi project: kick-off meeting in Brindisi

The Kick-off meeting of the project Dock-Bi – “Development Of Connections between the Key ports of Brindisi and Igoumenitsa”, co-funded by the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme 2014-2020 with a budget of  2.785.000 euro, was held on 8th February at the premises of ASI Consortium of Brindisi (Puglia). The ASI Consortium of Brindisi is the lead beneficiary

Mobility and sustainable tourism workshop in Ostuni thanks to Investment project

Two days of discussion and debate for the cooperation project “Investment – INNovatiVe E-Services for booSting Tourist Economy and Multimodal public Transportation” have been organized by the Municipality of Ostuni in the premises of Alto Salento 2020 GAL on 6-7 december 2018. Investment project, funded by the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy 2014-2020 Programme for 857,000.00 euro,