Kick-off meeting of Sunwater project: improving efficiency and sustainability of Water Distribution Networks

The kick-off meeting of the cross-border cooperation project SunWater, “SUstaiNable WATER supply networks in Mediterranean touristic areas”, co-funded for € 873.000,00 by the Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Greece-Italy 2014-2020, was held on 16 July in Igoumenitsa (Greece), Municipal Conference Hall. Lead Beneficiary of the project is the Municipal Water Supply and Sewerage Company of Igoumenitsa.

Seminar on Management Information System (MIS) in Athens on 30 october 2018

The Special Secretariat for ERDF and  CF funded sectoral Operational Programmes, in cooperation with the Managing Authority of Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme and the MIS Special Service, will organize a seminar on Management Information System (MIS), for the beneficiaries of the funded Projects. The seminar will take place in Athens, Hotel Divani Caravel, (Vassileos Alexandrou

A celebration of creativity for Greece-Italy European Cooperation Day 2018

The Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme, in cooperation with Pino Pascali Foundation, celebrated the European Cooperation day thought a creativity feast in the Municipality Garden of Polignano a Mare, on 29 of September 2018. More than 100 people, among children, families and citizens painted together a mural, by transforming a grey wall in an urban art intervention. A

MIS System Section 3: instructions to access

We would like to inform all beneficiaries that the Section 3 of the MIS system is working. This section allows you to “upload” the expenditures you have incurred for the implementation of projects funded under the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme 2014 2020. Additionally, allows Greek beneficiaries to submit their National PDE funding request. To access Section

5th Monitoring Committee Meeting in Bari: 5 approved targeted calls for strategic project proposals

On 27th september 2018, during the meeting held in Bari, (Italy), the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Monitoring Committee has approved the 5 targeted calls for strategic project proposals. The calls will be opened on the following Priority Axes: one targeted call on Priority Axis 1: Innovation and Competitiveness, Specific Objective 1.1 ‘’Delivering innovation support services and

5th Monitoring Committee Meeting in Bari: 10 approved project under the first call

On 27th september 2018, during the meeting held in Bari, (Italy), the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Monitoring Committee approved 10 projects, under the first call for ordinary project, by scrolling down the ranking list of the projects that have passed the quality assessment of the first call for proposals. Five projects have been approved under Priority

European Cooperation Day 2018: In the blue, painted blue! Let’s paint Europe full of colors

The Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme, in cooperation with Pino Pascali Foundation, celebrates the European Cooperation day thought a creative workshop “en plein air” in the Municipality Garden of Polignano a Mare, on 29 of September 2018. We will paint together a mural and we will draw and collect a puzzle that tells the story of cooperation between

Kick-off meeting Ci-Novatec project: customer intelligence for innovative tourism ecosystems

The kick-off meeting of the project Ci-Novatec- Customer Intelligence for inNOVAtive Tourism Ecosystems, co-funded for 867.000 euro by the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme 2014-2020, was held on 5-6 July in Patras (Hotel Astir Palace). The Region of Western Greece is the lead beneficiary of this project in cooperation with two greek partners, the University of

Kick-off meeting Investment project: Greece and Puglia are closer thanks to a multimodal public transportation system

The kick-off meeting of the project Investment – INnovatiVe E-Services for booSting Tourist economy and Multimodal public Transportation, funded for 857.000 Euros by Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme 2014 – 2020, was held in Patras on 4-5 July 2018, at the Patras University Campus. The Lead beneficiary is the University of Patras – Department of Computer